- Use the BigOceanData platform as your SSAS solution and put operational efficiency and fleet security in one place
- SSAS alerts received by BigOceanData are displayed to the operator and then immediately and automatically routed to nominated recipients.
- BigOceanData’s SSAS Alert Manager sends alerts to users by email, SMS and/or via an on-screen pop up. All alerts are recorded in the system database and can be reproduced in report format.
- BigOceanData supports any SSAS type-approved equipment. Our team will offer advice on and supply new, type-approved, equipment if required. Alternatively, existing SSAS equipment can be ‘repointed’ to BigOceanData if users wish to change service provider.
- With 20 years’ experience of managing complex Inmarsat-C applications, the BigOceanData SSAS interface is tried, tested and dependable.