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BigOceanData is supporting shipping to meet tough Decarbonisation targets in a number of ways

BigOceanData’s Business Development Director, Chris King, explains:

“International Energy Efficiency Certificate (IEEC) will be issued to ships 1st January 2023.

Your ship will now have an Energy Performance Certificate just like a residential property or when buying white goods. The Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) is an IMO mandatory rating system for ships. This applies to all cargo, RoPax and cruise vessels above 5,000 GT trading internationally.

Put simply, the amount of carbon / ton / mile will have to drop significantly to move up from a low D or E rating, where A,B&C will become desirable to the supply chain and able to command higher rates.”

The good news is that BigOceanData is perfectly placed to assist in helping vessel owners improve their carbon intensity. From fully optimised voyage planning, to Voyage Efficiency and Predictive Performance Management, BigOceanData have the tools to help.

Voyage Planning

The optimal route is now a combination of factors: safe navigation, low carbon intensity, weather and all within an agreed time frame.  Additional pressure is applied from ports and their Requested Time of Arrival (RTA) to minimize port congestion and as ports move into a ‘Just in Time’ environment.  BigOceanData offer a solution where optimal routes can be planned and shared with the vessel ECDIS, the HQ, Ports and any stakeholders. 

Decarbonisation for ships

Voyage Efficiency

To maintain the lowest carbon intensity and fuel cost whilst staying on time, the voyage plan had to be optimised first to reduce the need for speed and course changes continually. BigOceanData can share the voyage with all stakeholders in real time, keeping all confident that the vessel is on plan to meet the RTA. This shared visibility mitigates the temptation to make those costly speed up changes and keeps the ship below CII threshold.

Predictive Performance Management

BigOceanData has historic data and modelling of global marine temperatures, when this is combined with a vessels actual voyage history of where, when, how fast and when stationary, the probability of marine fouling can be predicted. Vessels can see when fouling has already impacted performance and efficiency, by which time it’s too late and is costing fuel and carbon. Predictive modelling will enable vessel managers to carry out optimally timed hull scrubs in convenient and cost effective locations.

Chris understands perfectly that this is a demanding and sometimes confusing time for vessel operators and owners. 

“It can feel like a huge headache, however, BigOceanData sits perfectly to assist in reducing emissions and it only takes a phone call to demonstrate the power of BigOceanData’s tools in addressing the IEEC requirements”

Contact Chris King for a no obligation chat

Ship Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) Solutions

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