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BigOceanData GOES LIVE!

BigOceanData is the new brand from Globavista, the professional vessel tracking and monitoring provider that has over the years built a reputation for being a versatile and dependable solution used right across the maritime industry. It is a completely new platform that has been under development for more than 12 months. Accessed via a web browser, its designers have gone to great efforts to ensure that while a wide array of information can be accessed and overlaid on the world map, it always remains easy on the eye and intuitive to operate.

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With its years of experience and the customer feedback that comes with it, BigOceanData has introduced a number of significant improvements to the standard vessel tracking model. These include:

  • Satellite AIS data as standard. All users have access to both terrestrial and satellite AIS data regardless of the size of their fleet.
  • A simple tariff structure. Essentially all the vessel monitoring functionality falls within the ‘basic’ tariff. This will meet the needs of the vast majority of users, leaving the only decision that affects the price being the number of vessels that they wish to track.
  • The integration of C-Map maritime charts with Google maps for unprecedented flexibility.
  • A unique least-risk routing capability in support of maritime security and anti-piracy applications.
  • For historical analytical searches, 12 months of data are held online for immediate access and up to four years of additional data are available offline.
  • Bespoke data tools can be designed and implemented on request, and third-party packages integrated into the BigOceanData interface.

Product News & Updates

BigOceanData is a vessel tracking software portal and service provider for maritime and vessel management.

If you would like more information, please email

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